We Are Music

We are Music is a registered charity helping people to engage in the community through popular music. Our objects provide for the advancement of young people through music into the music industry, and education. There is no other provision in the area and in response to local demand we increased the breadth of facilities provided to include adult sessions.
We showcase emerging artists, and provide help to let them know what is needed to get into the Music Industry. Whether they are a young band wanting to get their first gigs or an artist that has been working the circuit, our approach can help them to get the next stage. Take a look at the Get Known be heard channel on youtube, to see the results of the Get Known Artist development programme. It’s all about promotion and musical development.
In 2017 we are extending our work and we have real opportunities to help young artists. We can help provide performance opportunities, studio recording sessions, rehearsal facilities, help with developing your sound, and live performance videos to move your music on.
Live performance videos can take place with or without an audience. Sessions take place in either; Decoy Studios or a range of venues including disused churches, warehouses including outdoor shoots. We have found that an audience is an important component of the best live performances. We meet with acts and then discuss how we can help them best, where they are going and what do they want from us.